Nagaarum represents a one-man formation, the predecessor of which started its activity in 2008 under the Pigbaloon moniker. He considers the project as a playground for his musical experiments, which he established after having completed the first album with GuilThee. Urerdo was the title of the first record released in 2011 under the Nagaarum moniker.
The project has made 15 albums and 2 splits, two of which were released by GS Production, and one with the collaboration of Endless Winter / GS Productions / Outer Line labels. Soon after the Homo Maleficus album was released as co-release of the NGC Prod and GrimmDistribution.
As far as the music is concerned, the creative work in Nagaarums NGC studio is not restricted to genres. In terms of style, the records span from ambient to post-rock with doom and black metal being the notable extremes. One criterion is that all music played on the album (instruments, vocals, mixing, and mastering), all lyrics, and graphic design has to be authentic and unique. Apples is Nagaarums 17th record.
Besides, Nagaarum was one of the editors of Femforgacs, a cult Hungarian metal webzine with a significant history. He also plays in other bands, GuilThee and In Vacuo, and performed the guitars on the Martyr Lucifer album entitled Gazing at the Flocks.
Nagaarum Releases on Aesthetic Death
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